Just had a long conversation with a friend who told me that he was tired with his work. I listened and gave him feedback as I best could. I know how it is to be where he is because I've been there. In fact, I've been there several times. I guess as long as we work, there will be days when staying in bed is prefereble to sitting behind a desk or facing a client or a deadline.
For some, it is a choice where we are. For others, it is a circumstance. But as I've learned over the years - there is never a situation so unbending that we have to totally surrender our power to choose. No matter how desperate, how we respond to a situation defines who we are as individuals. We may have no control over frustration or ennui but we can choose how to respond to it. We can surrender to it and let it wash over us like a current. Or we can fight it like a swimmer fights the undertow. Both are valid choices = I say po-ta-toe, you say poh-tah-toe. One man's drink is another man's poison.
I write this for myself, to remind myself when I am faced with my own brand of despair. That when I have nothing I may wallow in that nothingness or use the time to watch back-episodes of "Drawn Together".
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